Tuesday, 28 April 2009


The title of this blog can be interpreted in many different ways.

'Meh' accompanied by some serious shoulder-shrugging can be understood as an expression of ultimate disinterest, boredom, or even outright desperation.

An elongated 'Meh' combined by the mental image of sheep is better understood as a, as many a postcard in this country will tell you, Scottish Traffic Jam.

In whichever way you want to interpret the concept of 'Meh', it expresses exactly the way I feel right now. Downright disinterested, bored, desperate livestock.

I HAVE to finnish my essay (yes I am even resorting to the use of capitals ánd am throwing in accidental eastern europeans).
But I don't FEEL like doing it. Nor am I convinced of the point I'm making and am thus not capable of putting the words into any plausable order to make it.

That combined with a strong force within me to read Harry Potter and that whole swine flu thing (funny how it's okay when it's on a different continent and not so funny when it's around the corner keeping a newlywed couple in hospital), I'm not really motivated.
BUT, I WILL finish the thing tomorrow. I promise(d myself).

Meanwhile, read the beautiful story in the post below (no you haven't seen it, yes even if the date says last Saturday, I only posted it today, as yet another attempt to forget about my essay) I love it. I want to publish it. (Karen's doing the illustrations) Although I don't want it to be frowned on by Christians. If only because it's just cool. (See, usually I'm capable of forming an argument, not today, noooo not today)

But actually, life is good. Only three weeks till Suriname. (would you help me in asking the Cosmos to keep the swine flu away from there?) It's just those very last study straws that are breaking this camels' back. (Camel, sheep, sperm whale, whatever)

Maybe I should just go to sleep.

F.Y.I. I've not been drinking or anything, I've just been listening to Nakariakov for too long. It makes me jumpy and ridiculus. Classical music can do that to a person. (Camel, sheep, whale, whatever)

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