Friday 10 October 2008

Birthday Weekend

And then, all of a sudden, I turned 22.

Als je nog niet zo lang in verweggistan bent geweest en je bent weer even terug, thuis, dan ga je je op een gegeven moment afvragen of alles wel echt is geweest. Of je wel daadwerkelijk al een maand ergens anders heb gewoond. Of er echt aan de andere kant van de zee een plek is waar jouw spulen staan, waar je mensen kent, waar je verplichtingen hebt, een studie volgt. Echt een vreemde gedachte. Het leek wel alsof ik een weekje op vakantie was geweest.
En toen ging ik weer terug naar 'huis', in Glasgow.

My birthday, on the 3rd of October, started at three in the morning. A taxi picked me up at four and, after being waved off by Jenny (who had just come home from a party :)), took me to the airport. At 8:45, Dutch time, I was at Schiphol airport...weird.

I had planned to do a couple of things that weekend, like eat a broodje kroket, hug my boyfriend until he turned purple, buy dropjes,visit my dad in his new house, eat 1000 kruidnootjes, spend time with my best friend and go out for dinner with my mom. I did all of these, yay! Not neccesarily in that order though...

And then I went back 'home', which felt weird but good but weird but good.

Last Tuesday was my birthdayparty here in Glasgow. It turned out to be a great evening. We had a traditional dutch dinner (I made Hutspot and Boerenkool) with a typical german salad (:P) and belgian icecream and english cake for dessert. After dinner more people started coming in and we had a fun evening in our kitchen.
Pictures of the fun can be found on my facebook.

My Chinese flatmate had her first potato-mashing experience that day :D Look how happy she looks!

This week is going back to 'normal'-week.

Class, Choir, Tibetan Society. I'll tell you all about it later.



Anonymous said...

lang zal ze leven in de gloria

leuke fotos en teksten

groetjes Freek

Froukje Henstra said...

aww wat kijken jij en the boyfriend lief op die foto!

gek he? hoe snel een maand gaat!

x frouk