Friday, 11 October 2013

No Cuts, No Glory

Opened a new blog. Will post on school adventures. Queen of Scots for everything else :) Will have recipes at some point. Very fresh, still. Don't hesitate to leave comments!

Thursday, 3 October 2013


Warning: the following contains stereotypes and generalisations. Please do not be offended. Remember: not all opinions are mine; I am a descriptive writer and an anthropologist. ;-)

"We want here a white man's community with civilized habits and religious aspirations, and not a community of 'Heathen Chinese' who can never assimilate with us, or do ought to elevate us, and who can be of no possible value to a state in any capacity other than that of drawers of water and hewers of wood."
- Benjamin Pearse, British Columbia's surveyor general from 1872 - 1872

So Vancouver is generally seen as a very multi-culturally-comfortable city. People from all across the world flock here to live in one of the most liveable cities on the planet. And in the broad scheme of things, everyone is welcome.

Immigrants are not a new phenomenon to this area. Let's not forget that George Vancouver arrived here on a boat himself. Strangely though, as with many areas in the world that were taken over by the White Man in or around the Golden Age, there are definitive boundaries to this broadly advertised xenotolerance, that have surprised me in the last couple of weeks.

Canadians are a friendly people. That is a massive cliché, only because it is true. There is an almost Asian tendency to apologise, an American sense of customer service and an unexpected (by a Dutchie) level of politeness and cheer in almost everyone here. Btw, I think staying here for a while is definitely making me a better person, if only for those three things, but more on that some other time.

Now to get to the crux of the matter: There are a LOT of Chinese people here. Not at all illogical, with the Great Communist State so close by on the other end of the pond, but still. It's striking. Vancouver is nicknamed Hongcouver for it. Some families have been here for generations, some have just arrived. Most of them well integrated and fluent in the language, some not so much. Many Chinese have a tendency to stick within their own communities while abroad. Hence, all the lovely China Towns in all metropolitains, but sticking to your own group can cause friction. Therein lies the problem. 'Canadians' can become vocal in their dislike of the Chinese, and consequentially all things Asian. (Gosh, where have I heard this before....)

The most heard complaint is that wealthy mainland Chinese are driving up the housing prices by buying million(s) dollar properties in cash, living there only for a short period of time before moving back to China, renting out the house for a high price or stationing their UBC-going kids in it, leaving them in charge of the Ferrari. Really; if you see an obscenely expensive car in this city, chances are pretty high a very young Asian boy is driving it.

Xenophobia is of all ages (see the 19th century quote at the top of this blog), and of all places, unfortunately. Still, naively, I had Vancouver pegged as a beacon of multi-culturalism (yeah...naive). Actually, I was quite shocked to hear some very obvious racial slurs on the streets of Van, directed at Chinese. From a cyclist, ignoring a stop sign, yelling "get out of the way you f-ing Chinese", to a man on the bus swearing under his breath about his two neighbors happily chatting away in Chinese, and another man explaining to my mother and me that the situation in which a woman stupidly left her car in the middle of an intersection after a hit and run was obviously due to an ESL-problem (English as a second language).

Anyway, a very positive thing about having East Asia this close is the abundance of good 'Asian' restaurants to balance out the North American establishments. Starting a night out with a smoked meat Poutine and ending it with high-end sushi is completely possible (and, evidently, delicious).

Click for further reading on Chinese immigrants in Vancouver

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

The 4 stages of living in a new country

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Moving abroad is an interesting experience. Euphoria, frustration, boredom, anxiety, elation, it’s all there and you will experience it again, and again, and again, if you’re insane enough to decide to move abroad multiple times.The only good thing about it is that after the second time, you know what’s coming.  Don't get me wrong, moving abroad is awesome, and I think everyone should do it at least once, if only for the interesting things you will learn about yourself. Don’t even get me started on the emotional roller-coaster that you’re going to have to sit through before you leave, so let me just focus on the first weeks of your stay in this Great New Place.

Stage 1: Getting organised
Right, you’ve totally figured out how to get from the border (airport, boat, bus, car, train) to wherever you’re staying and are braving your jetlag or general travel tiredness to get there. You feel greatly accomplished when you do. Yes! You did it! You’re here. You let out a sigh and fall asleep (or don’t. Darn jetlag).
And then the fun starts. You’re not here on holiday so a map, a hotel, and your credit card are not going to cut it. You need a home, a local cell phone, a bank account, insurance, student or employee identification (including the jetlagged picture that will haunt you for the rest of your time there), you need to report to the authorities and you desperately need a trip to IKEA. Alright. Breathe and power through it.

Stage 2: Shiny and new
Everything is awesome. Your house is awesome, your new friends are awesome, this is the coolest thing you have ever done. And the whole world seems to think so too; your school has an introduction week, your work organises socials for new employees, your roommate drags you to 3 birthday parties in one week, the local restaurant even has a special of your favourite food. These activities generally include making random new friends (everyone is awesome!) and drinking cheap or free booze. What’s not to like?

Stage 3: Confusion
Wait. What have I done? Did I actually just move here? In the name of all that is holy, why?! That’s crazy! How could I have been so stupid! I miss my dog/climate/mom/apartment/friends/job/that very specific pair of shoes that I forgot to pack!

Stage 4: Settling
Finally, generally after a couple of weeks, the ‘I live here’-vibe sinks in. You no longer feel the need to move around the place like a tourist. You no longer look intently out the window on a bus, you lose the map that was in your jacket pocket and find yourself behind your laptop (ie: Facebook) at 11am or binge watching a new series for three evenings in a row, instead of being outside for the sake of being outside. You are no longer on holiday. This is also the moment that might lead you to not do anything touristy anymore. You know: living in a city for three years and not even having visited that one famous museum, or climbed that one obvious hill. As long as you know this is a risk, and are willing to remind yourself of that sometimes, you’re fine. You have time. You’re at home here. 

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Vancouver sunsets

Vancouver is a typical North American metropolis, with its high rise buildings, its shopping malls, its grid street plan (including numbered avenues), and its array of restaurants ranging from fast food chains to insanely expensive haute cuisine.

What's not so typical about Vancouver is that it's surrounded by the Canadian Rocky Mountains on one side and the Pacific ocean on the other. It sits in this comfortable little bowl that makes the climate comfortable (warm and wet, to Canadian standards) and the views magnificent. More specifically; from almost any major street in the city you'll be able to see the North Shore Mountains and/or the Strait of Georgia. The city has about ten beaches from which the sunset views are beautiful. One of which is three blocks from my house.

Now I wasn't  raised in a really mountainous area (yeah, Holland is pretty flat) so the mountains here keep taking my breath away, especially at sunset. The weather here has been holding up really well this last week so I've been lucky enough to have seen some pretty spectacular sunset views that combine the beautiful calm waters with some amazing green islands and mountains.

My roommate keeps telling me that it won't be too long until the clouds and the rain completely take over and we won't be able to see anything for a good five months. Ah well, better enjoy it while it lasts. Wait, why am I inside?

Monday, 9 September 2013

Settling in

So, on to more mundane things.

My jetlag has left me by now, but it's been replaced by a massive cold. Let's hope that's gone before I have to audition for any choirs...

I've been settling in quite well. Got myself a phone, a new gym, a favorite supermarket, an almost seamless accent, stuff like that (, eh). I've moved into my shared apartment, at a corner of Maple Street. Really, if you are to move to Canada, then you should be living on a street called Maple, I'd say.

Went to IKEA the day before yesterday, with my Dutch friend Annika, to buy a bed and all other sorts of stuff that one ends up buying at IKEA. Thank the universe for IKEA. Most North American furniture stores sell heavy, dark, and expensive (not to say plain ugly) things. At least at IKEA, I could walk straight up to the Poäng and move on.
IKEA workers have been striking here since May already, and the schoolyear is starting soon, so the place looked like a giant storm had gone through it taking everyting cheap with it. I was actually lucky to find a half decent mattress, but not much else.

The weather has been holding up well, it's supposed to be very nice this week as well. My classes don't start till the 23rd, so I still have some time to enjoy it.

Sunday, 8 September 2013


At certain moments in life it's really worth trying to oversee one's experiences and be thankful that all of them, the good, sad, exciting, scary, boring, difficult, and really easy things, have happened to you, because otherwise you would not be where you are now and you would be an entirely different person.

Six days ago, I moved to Canada. Discovered I wasn't happy where I was, so made a plan, quit my job, booked a ticket. You could say that was a brave thing to do, that I'm doing something a lot of people think about but never do. You could say I was cowardly running from some things in my life, and that I'm stupid for throwing my savings at something like this. You could say it was inevitable for me to move abroad again at some point.

There's probably some truth in all of that. I try not to think about it too much and just go with it. I do know that there have been several moments in the last days; watching the sun sink into the pacific ocean, venturing out to make new friends, being overwhelmed by the sheer power of a glistening mountain view or a quiet night city skyline, playing pool with some awesome strangers in a gaybar in the middle of the night; that I know I'm in the right place.

Saturday, 31 August 2013

In de trein

Er werd gisteravond aan tafel uitgebreid gediscussieerd waar ik wel en niet heen zou kunnen, op mijn dagje alleen (This area bit dangerous. Ha. Ha.).
Okasan brengt me 's ochtends naar mijn overstap station en begeleidt me (met toestemming van de stationsmanager) helemaal naar de trein. Ze is bezorgd en dat vind ik schattig.

Ik lees in de trein en let dus niet goed op. Het is beter dat ik lees want dan val ik niet in slaap, zoals alle andere mensen in de trein. Maar ja, dan moet je wel op de haltes letten. Bij een station lukt het me om (in het Japans!) aan een medepassagier te vragen of dit het station is waar ik uit moet stappen. Hij kijkt me aan alsof hij water ziet branden. Hij zwaait met zijn hand en zegt 'volgende'. Daarna stapt hij bijna struikelend van het buigen uit.

Friday, 30 August 2013


Die vrouw is zó lief, je zou haar bijna opeten. Ik heb steeds de neiging haar te knuffelen (en doe dat overigens nooit). Ik zeg nu al gedag tegen Obachan, oma(tje). Ze geeft me haar hand, die ik met twee handen vasthoud, en bedank haar 300 keer. Sayonara zeg ik, vaarwel. Mata kite ne? zegt ze, tot snel weer ziens, hè? De kans is groot dat dit de laatste keer is dat ik haar zie.

Deze week was het 65 jaar geleden [2010] dat de bommen vielen op Hiroshima en Nagasaki. Een paar dagen geleden zagen mijn gastzussen en ik een stuk van een herdenking op tv. Ik initeerde een gesprek en stelde wat vragen. Ze vertelden iets dat ik nog niet wist. Ik wist dat Obachan aan de rand van Hiroshima was, op een treinstation met haar schoolklas, toen de bom viel. De bom heeft hen geen kwaad gedaan, maar ik hoor nu dat er ook vliegtuigen waren, met andere bommen en geschut. De groep meisjes werd beschoten. Obachan heeft haar vriendinnetjes om haar heen door geallieerd vuur zien sterven. Zelf is ze op de grond gaan liggen en heeft een streep kogels langs zich heen over de grond zien gaan. Obachan zegt dat ze daardoor nergens meer bang voor is. Mijn gastzus zegt dat ook oma zegt dat Japan veel foute dingen deed en dat er iets moest gebeuren. We praten over of dit de juiste (of enige) oplossing was. Ik zeg dat oorlog vreselijk is en dat ik vind dat waar twee vechten er altijd twee schuld hebben. Ze zucht, ze lijkt opgelucht.

Ik droom over oorlog. Toen Obachan daar op de grond lag, lag mijn oma Selma in Indië in een Jappenkamp op sterven door jaren slechte voeding en slaag.

Thursday, 29 August 2013

Japanse service

Het is sale bij Kintetsu, de Japanse Bijenkorf. Het is bizar druk, vooral op de tassenafdeling. Daar staan drie mannen in uniform zo hard mogelijk de nieuwe prijzen te schreeuwen en iedere klant 600 keer te bedanken voor hun aankoop. Gelukkig hoeven wij alleen naar de cosmeticaafdeling om enorm chique gezichtsreiniger te kopen. Tijdens het wachten smeer ik gedachteloos een heel klein beetje lippenstift op mijn hand om de kleur te zien.

Zodra mijn gastzus aan de beurt is vraagt ze de perfect gekapte en opgemaakte dame of ze iets heeft om mijn hand mee schoon te maken. Ik wordt op een kruk geplaatst en ik moet mijn hand overgeven aan deze dame, die er in opperste concentratie een liter 'whitening cleansing lotion' op smeert. Een flesje kost 50 euro. Er blijkt een kraantje in de designer cosmetica bar te zitten. Na vijf minuten en een enorme wasbeurt wordt mij, via Kuniko, gevraagd of ik zonnebrandcrème gebruik. Ik krijg even grondig 50+++ zonnebrand op mijn vers geschrobde hand. Met een twee tinten lichtere linkerhand verlaat ik, ietwat beduusd, de cosmeticaafdeling.

Wednesday, 28 August 2013


Als je op het punt staat te verhuizen kom je weleens iets bijzonders tegen. Zoals een dagboekje van een bezoek aan mijn gastgezin in Japan in 2010. Deze laatste paar dagen voor mijn nieuwe avontuur is het misschien leuk een aantal passages met jullie te delen.

Na met de anderen iets gegeten te hebben wil ik voor iedereen (dus ook voor thuis) donuts meenemen. Dus ik zeg: Ik wil graag wat donuts kopen. Okee, ik vraag welke ze willen: moeilijk, moeilijk, Japans, donuts worden gekozen. Ik pak mijn portemonnee: no-go. Druk schuddende hoofden, nee nee, dat hoeft niet. Maar ik wíl het graag. Nee, nee! De donuts worden met licht geweld ontvreemd. Gastbroer betaalt. Mijn gastzus wijst naar ieder van ons vieren. "Family" zegt ze.

Sunday, 25 August 2013

Dusting off the ol' blog

This was inevitable, people. Making my rounds, saying goodbye to everyone, packing up all my stuff (or giving it away), and dusting off the ol' blog. Again.

If you've been to Scotland, Suriname and Japan with me on this blog, welcome back. The settled life turned out not to suit me so well after all, so I'm preparing for a new adventure. Thanks for coming with me once more, I'll try to entertain you while I put my thoughts to paper (or, more accurately, the interwebs).

If you haven't been here before, welcome. This is my diary, my ramble place, my writing practice ground, and my way of keeping some lovely people, that I'll miss dearly, up to date on my adventures into the great unknown. Again.

ETA: 8 days